John Leopold Weil and Geraldine Rickard Weil
Memorial Charitable Foundation, inc.


The Drs John and Geraldine Weil dedicated their lives to the wellbeing of children. At their behest, and in their memory, the John Leopold Weil and Geraldine Rickard Weil Memorial Charitable Foundation, inc. was created in 1999. The Weil Foundation is dedicated to carrying on the legacy of the Drs. Weil by working to ameliorate psychological problems of children.

The Weil Foundation worked to further its goals in three ways:

  1. Supporting training programs to increase the number of psychologists and psychiatrists available to work with children.
  2. Providing grants to non-profit organizations in Greater Boston that provide direct services such as psychological counseling, shelter, and therapy for at-risk children and parents.
  3. Supporting research evaluating the effectiveness of approaches to the treatment and prevention of child abuse. For this problem to be overcome in the long run, it is vital that the world's efforts be focussed on those methods that are most effective.

The Weil foundation is proud to have been able to donate more than six million dollars to charitable organizations that work to improve the mental health of children. However, the bequest that funded the foundation is running out. With our remaining resources, we are concentrating our efforts solely on funding our partner organizations that educate psychologists and psychiatrists through internships and training. As a result, we are no longer accepting grant applications from other organizations.

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Contents last updated January 5, 2024